Category Archives: Membership
November 20th – Prospective Member Reception
We are always looking for new members! If the “Are You Interested In..” questions resonate with you, please consider joining us. You will have a chance to meet club members and hear more about what we do. We don’t hold this type of meeting often, so now is your chance! Please RSVP!

Prospective Member Reception Event – May 4th, 2016 at 5:30pm
The Zonta Club of Milwaukee Prospective Member reception is being held for prospective members who are interested in learning more about Zonta International and the Zonta Club of Milwaukee, an organization whose mission is to empower women locally and worldwide through service & advocacy.
If you plan to come, please RSVP to Pam Knackert at or 262-784-7613 by Saturday, April 30th. Invitation PDF
Advocating With Courage – Area 2 Spring Workshop, April 23rd
The Zonta Club of Milwaukee is pleased to invite you to this year’s Area 2 Spring Workshop, focused on “Advocating with Courage”. The invitations have been sent and the electronic copy can be found here. Please plan to join us on April 23rd in Waukesha!