Monthly Archives: November 2023
Holiday Collection in Progress!! Make a Foster Teen’s Holiday Brighter!
Thank you to the generosity of our Club members and guests last night. We will be dropping off this first batch to Allies For Teens In Foster Care tomorrow but are still collecting through the first week of December.
We are taking monetary donations on (Donate Now button) or contact Joni if you want to send a check, or handoff Target gift cards, hats/mittens or Cantu hair care products. Thanks!!

Help Us Make the Holidays Brighter for Teens in Foster Care
During the month of November, we are collecting money and will be taking donations on behalf of Allies For Teens in Foster Care.
The donations will go toward gifts and gift cards for teens in group homes in the Milwaukee community. We hope to make their holidays a little brighter with our support, since these under-served teens do not have the traditional support of parents or foster parents.
If you would like to contribute please use the orange Donate Now button at the top of Members and prospective members can bring Target gift cards and wish list items to the meeting on November 15th. A full list of items will be included in the newsletter.