Monthly Archives: August 2020

2020 Fundraiser – Online Auction Coming September 19th – 27th!

Link to the Auction Site:
 Bidding will start September 19th and run through September 27th

Since we could not safely hold our 2020 Zonta Fashion Show fundraiser, we were not able to raise approximately $25,000 for nonprofit services serving women and girls. Our alternative is an online auction to be held September 19th through September 27th along with seeking monetary donations. 


The money raised will be distributed in 2021 to local non-profit agencies that empower women and girls in the Milwaukee metro area. This will be the only effort to raise funds for next year’s grants. These organizations provide education, basic needs such as food, housing and transportation, domestic violence support, and/or job preparation. Over the years we have supported over 75 local nonprofit agencies as well as Zonta International Service Projects and Scholarships.


Here’s our opportunity to support next year’s grants to local nonprofits serving women and girls. Please also promote this event to your friends, relatives and co-workers. The items are interesting and participation is fun & easy. Monetary donations to Zonta Foundation, Inc. can be made at bottom of auction page, through a donation page (available now), the Donate Now button the the header of this website, our Facebook page or by writing a check payable to Zonta Foundation, Inc. and mailed to Elizabeth Stull Foundation Treasurer at 3049 S. 39th Street Milwaukee, WI 53215.


Milwaukee Zonta members and friends have proven to be very generous in the past. Here is one more opportunity ..if you are able, give someone a reason to smile.  Thank you!