Community Service Projects 2014 and prior

Back-To-School Collection for Neu-Life


Girls on the Run – Running Buddies





Neu-Life Spring Art Show Fundraiser


2010 St. Catherine’s Mom & Baby Room



One hundred thirty-two pounds of food were collected at the December 15, 2010 Holiday Party and delivered to the Hunger Task Force.




One hundred fifty pounds of food were collected at the December 17, 2008 Holiday Party and delivered to the Hunger Task Force.





November, 2008 – IT’S A “ROOM”!
By Jackie Beaudry

Delivered: November 10, 2008 at 8:00 p.m.
Place: St. Catherine’s Residence

Proud Parents: Diane Lindsley ,Cheryl Lucas DeBerry, Laureen Ward, Donna Neal, Donna Kahl- Wilkerson, Donna Conant, Sandra Miller, Helen Ludwig and daughter Meg, Elizabeth Stull, Marianne Zapall, Chris Todd, Connie Thoma, Lynne Oehlke and Jackie Beaudry, and all of you who so generously contributed financial resources to this project.

Actually, it more than just a room; it is a suite consisting of one room for a Mom-to-be and another room for Mom and Baby, with a hall and bath. Zontians were called to action and Zontians purchased, painted, assembled and decorated. We discovered some talents that our members had not yet demonstrated. The final photos will be shared at the December meeting. We are so pleased to have had this opportunity to help in creating a space that will make a new mom feel valued while making the world pretty for one new baby!

As of Monday November 10th our St. Catherine’s our project is complete!

We prepared a budget and discussed it at the last meeting. Our goal MilwaukeeComSer2was to raise $1,250. to purchase a crib, dresser/changing table, bedding, window treatments, wall hangings and a few odds and ends to make this space special. So far we have raised $1,047. There is still time for you to get involved. Please consider
making out a check to Zonta Foundation, Inc. we are confident that with the help of a few generous members we will be able to meet our objective.

Thank you all again!

June, 2008 – SUMMER PROJECT: Sharing Time with International Counselors for YWCA
By Christine Todd

Zonta Club is again holding a summer project with visiting International Counselors at the YMCA’s Amy Belle Lake. If you have some time to plan a homemade meal, sponsor attendance at a Brewer’s game, the Milwaukee Art Museum, Summerfest or other activity on a weekend, June-August Saturday or Sunday, please let me know.

Our 2008 International guests are: Michelle Perryman, Sophie Pain, TimWoolley from England, and Cherrise Griffiths from South Africa.

By Sandra Miller

Donna Conant, Christine Todd, Guest –Mary Newcomb and Sandra Miller walked a mile on Sunday for Team Zonta!  Thank you Zontians, for your support of donations. The $365 in donations helped three agencies working to stop domestic abuse and sexual assault: Jewish Family Services, Sojourner Truth House, and Task Force on FamilyViolence.

We’re looking to raise the bar next year, more Zontians needed to join the fun!

May, 2008 – Zontians walking against domestic violence – May 4, 2008.

Please consider walking with us to raise money to support combating domestic violence. The walk is at Marquette University begins at 11:00 AM with pre event festivities at 9:30 am see Sandra Miller to join the team. Can’t walk that day? Feel free to sponsor our team.

On May 4th, Zontians will be participating in Walk a Mile in Her Shoes®, presented by Verizon Wireless, on the Marquette University campus. Inspired by the saying “you can’t understand a person’s experience until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes”, male walkers will literally walk one mile in women’s high heeled shoes.

Nearly one-third of American women report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives. That’s why we are joining Walk a Mile in Her Shoes®, presented by Verizon Wireless to help raise money and awareness of this widespread problem. Here in Milwaukee, three agencies are working to

stop domestic abuse and sexual assault: Jewish Family Services, Sojourner Truth House, and Task Force on Family Violence. Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit these three agencies.We need your help to raise money to stop gender violence. You can show you also care about this important issue by sponsoring me to walk. Also we will be able to collect donations at the Zonta Meeting on April 23, 2008. Checks payable to “Sojourner Truth House. Or you can donate online under the Zonta team.

April, 2008 – WOMEN SOAR–EEA/AIR VENTURE, Oshkosh, WI

Function: Act as Mentors and wherever needed by SOAR

2007: Elizabeth Stull and Sandra Miller
2008: Elizabeth Stull


Function: Connect with St. Catherine’s Residents
Prepare Them for Seeking Job Employment and advise the Stepping Stones for “How To” Aspect of Putting Your Best Food Forward

2007: Jackie Beaudry, Cheryl Lucas DeBerry-Training
2008: Jackie Beaudry, Cheryl Lucas DeBerry, Donna Kahl-Wilkerson

February, 2008 – Volunteers at “Our Next Generation”

Honored for their volunteerism of 10+ years in the Homeroom Program at Our Next Generation were Zonta Club members Kim Brinsko and Sammie Lou Krieger. They were surprised as their students, Alisha and Shamauri , joined them for dinner, along with Michelle Schuerman, Assistant Director, and Kierra Reid, Educational Coordinator at ONG, one of agencies currently funded by our club. The young girls read letters they had written expressing their thanks to Kim and Sammie Lou for their mentoring over the past several years.Volunteers

January, 2008 – Zonta Service Project -Women in the Trades
By Sandy Miller

On September 13, 2007 Kathy Wells and Donna Kahl-Wilkerson facilitated a session for women in the trades to begin to develop a mentoring program. They encouraged participants to share ideas on recruiting and retaining women in the building and construction occupations. Many ideas were generated through Kathy and Donna’s expert facilitation. Their commitment to the program allowed them to solicit information they gathered last March when they facilitated the sessions for the Women in the Trades (WIT) kick off session. Since that time the founding team members have been meeting to expand on those ideas. A website is in being developed that will include resources for women in the trades. Additionally they hope to include testimonies – success stories and develop presentations to share information. Their next step is to form small groups to work on the issues that surfaced and gain commitment on future activities and directions.

January, 2008 – EQUAL RIGHTS COMMISSION Re-Established in City of Milwaukee:

After serving as Co-Coordinator for the Greater Milwaukee Human Rights Coalition, Zonta Club member Diane Lindsley announced that negotiations with the City has resulted in a more effective Equal Rights Commission, dormant for the past several years.

Duties of the Commission will include:

  • Monitoring whether city agencies are providing equal opportunities in jobs, contracts and programs.
  • Dealing with discrimination complaints that state or federal agencies don’t handle. A city ordinance prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity, discrimination against veterans and discrimination against anyone who is associated with veterans or with people of different gender identities.
  • Advocating for greater social and economic equity throughout the community.

The new commission structure was praised by Alex Runner, an aide to Common Council President Willie Hines; Rose Daitsman, Co-Coordinator of the Greater

Milwaukee Human Rights Coalition; and Dana Schultz, an organizer with 9to5, the National Association of Working Women.

January, 2008 – WOMEN IN TRADES: “M e a s u r i n g U p”
“An organization to support, energize and empower tradeswomen to successfully contribute to the quality of the skilled workforce.”
Submitted by Sandy Miller and Donna Kahl-Wilkerson

Women In Trades (WIT) team members are reaching out to the local community in February and March. Members will be presenting their stories at the state meeting on Feb 21st and 28th. March 18th, members will host a table at the Construction Career Day at the Waukesha Expo Center where high school students, and men and women from the tech schools and community will get to do some hands on learning about the construction and skilled trades. During the WIT January 22, 2008 get together nine women shared their stories about challenges and successes in the construction industry. These stories are the start for our website and brochures being developed to encourage women to consider careers in the construction field. Information from the state of Wisconsin, Bureau of Apprenticeship indicated some success stories. We now have 3-4% women in the construction trades in the state of Wisconsin. Challenges are still evident when we look at the figures that women comprise only 1.65% of those involved in the skilled trades (electrician, sheetmetal, steamfitters, plumbers) and as small as 1.39% in the steamfitter area by itself. During February members of the WIT board will connect with the members of the Chicago Women in Construction to connect on key ideas for recruiting and retention of women in the trades.

September, 2007 – Preventing Human Trafficking –Mini Service Project Success

By Sandy Miller

Steven’s Point Zontians send thanks! Milwaukee Zontians gave $480 in funds to UWSP Thailand Project to support four women from Thailand, to transition to the University of Steven’s Point undergraduate program. Our last mini service project donations to the UW Steven’s Point Thailand Project will support the project to bring students to UWSP this fall 2007. UWSP will open its doors to four incoming students from DEPDC. These young women have no citizenship and were not allowed to attend Thai government grade schools. Until now, a college education was not an option. Our donations were sent to UWSP Foundation via our sister Zontians in Stevens Point. This will help them raise funds to educate 4 girls, but also help us increase visibility in the state for Zonta by combining our contributions. Thanks everyone for supporting our sister Zontians.

June 2007 – YMCA—CAMP MINIKANI–International Intern Program

Function: Arrange for Weekend Activities for Interns (June-August)

2007 — Marge Holzbog, Connie Thoma, Christine Todd, Michelle Arney, Sammie Lou Krieger, Wendy Lin)